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Главная » .2011 » Сентябрь » 6 » 1st Polish WW BPSK63 Contest 2011
1st Polish WW BPSK63 Contest 2011

Details Rules: http://www.epc.polska.ziebice.pl/index.html

Date and Time:
   Starting time is at 14:00 UTC on Saturday 15.10.2011 and ending time is at 14:00 UTC on Sunday 16.10.2011.
(3rd weekend of October)

Objective:   The EPC POLSKA Club has the honour to invite the radio amateurs all over the world to participate in the Poland  WW PSK63  Contest. The objective of the contest is to establish as many contacts as possible between radio amateurs around the world and radio amateurs in Europe by using the BPSK63  mode. Everybody can work everybody for QSO and multiplier credit.

Mode: BPSK-63

Bands:   3,5 – 7 – 14 - 21 - 28 MHz   excluding WARC bands.

  • SOAB  - Single operator, all bands.
  • MOAB  - Club stations.
  • SOAB-SP  - Single operator, all bands, Poland only.

Contest call:

  • Polish stations: RST + Province code (see below).  SP6ZZZ  599 D
The foreign stations that transmit from the Poland  territory will be considered as SP stations.
  • DX stations: RST + QSO number starting with 001. UA2XXX 599 001
Points for all Stations:
  • Contacts between stations in the same DXCC Country are worth 1 point. 
  • Contacts between stations on the same continent but different DXCC Countries are worth 2 points.
  •  Contacts between stations on different continents are worth 3 points. 
  • Contacts with SP stations are worth 4 points.
(Sum of QSO points on all bands) x (Sum of countries + province code SP) = total score

Certificates will be awarded in all categories. First, second and third place certificates will be awarded in the world and for every continent (Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, and Oceania). All scores will be published on the EPC-POLSKA  website  http://www.epc.polska.ziebice.pl/. The certificates will be issued in a high printing resolution .pdf format.

All logs should be submitted in Cabrillo format via Internet to the following E-mail address: sp.epc.club@gmail.com
Logs should be sent as an e-mail attachment, not in the text of the e-mail, and the filename for the log should be yourcall.log. (sp6zzz.log)

All entries must be e-mailed by November 25th. Logs received after the deadline will not be considered valid.

Check logs:
Check logs are very much appreciated, they are used for cross checking of all entries.
Your comments will be very much appreciated.

Polish province code
B - Lubuskie
C - Łódzkie
D - Dolnośląskie
F - Pomorskie
G - Śląskie
J - Warmińsko-Mazurskie
K - Podkarpackie
L - Lubelskie
M - Małopolskie
O - Podlaskie
P - Kujawsko-Pomorskie
R - Mazowieckie
S - Świętokrzyskie
U - Opolskie
W - Wielkopolskie
Z - Zachodnio-Pomorskie.

Просмотров: 1207 | Добавил: UR3LTD
«  Сентябрь 2011  »
Дякуємо за участь

Уважаемые участники European PSK Club.
К организаторам работы украинской секции - "ЕРС Ukraine" поступают предложения об изменении положения нашего EPC Ukraine DX Contest. Сложно искать спонсоров. Появились другие виды цифровой связи. В этом 2019 году у всех нас будет "проверка на живучесть" нашего теста. Стоит ли проводить его в том же формате в следующем году? 
Ваши предложения жду e-mail UR3LTD@ukr.net  
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