The South American Stations PSK Award Series (SASPA)
was devised by the European PSK Club on 13th March 2008. This was to
sponsor a series of awards based on PSK contacts with South American
stations. Contacts made to claim SASPA awards have no time or date
restrictions, except for contacts with EPC members, which are valid
from 10th June 2006. The official award manager is Reinhard Lipkow
awards may be claimed by any licensed radio amateur, club station or
SWL/DMS eligible under these rules who can produce evidence in a form
of ADIF log of having earned 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 points for QSOs
with different South American amateur radio stations by using any type
of the Phase Shift Keying. Each QSO with EPC member from South America is worth 2 points, with non-EPC station - 1 point.
are not required. Awards are issued to the person or club. The person
or club can use any legal call sign. Contacts made from club stations
or special event stations count to the credit of both the club and the
operator. All stations must be operated in accordance with their
licensing conditions. Contacts may be made from any location in the
same DXCC country. Credit will be given for contacts made on any of the
amateur bands below 54 MHz. Confirmations from North American SWL or
DMS stations are accepted as confirmed contacts. The
submission for credit of any altered or forged log extractions or,
equally, bad behaviour on or off the air which is judged by the
European PSK Club to bring a particular programme into disrepute may
result in disqualification of the applicant from the SASPA Award
Programme. The decision of the award manager on this and other matters
of dispute will be finals. All
awards are issued FREE of charge in a high quality PDF format and sent
via email to the applicants. Awards could be printed with the highest
quality and with optimal performance by applicants themselves. SASPA
awards are issued to the EPC members only. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact DK1IO. Application Procedure Since 1st June 2008 all claims for the EPC awards should be made using our UltimateEPC Award Management Software
written by DK5UR. The award applicant should re-submit his application
when claiming for higher classes of awards. The award manager will keep
all your records in our database. Please make sure before you submit
your ADIF log that you have checked it with the appropriate software. |